John Lennon once observed that life is what happens when we’re busy making other plans. This has certainly been the case for me this last week. Some of you know I traveled to California to help my mother celebrate her 93rd birthday, as well as offer support as she begins navigating the physical and cognitive changes that were the result of a fall and perhaps an undiagnosed stroke last month.
Once I arrived, it became clear that what I had imagined would be a five-night stay would need to be extended so that I might help Mom (and her network of helpers) move forward. For the time being, the plan is that I will stay in California until the end of January. Until we have a better handle on her current realities (appointments are scheduled this week), it’s a challenge to make clear plans.
This Sunday, Community Spirit will have a lay-led worship experience that is merged with our Annual Meeting. Plan now to attend—and participate in the decision-making process that is so much a part of how congregations in the United Church of Christ move forward.
While I’m still in California, please know that there will be a clergy colleague on call should you have a pastoral emergency. Please reach out to Mary Loncar or Liz Gracesun if you need care.
Whoever said that getting older is NOT for sissies wasn’t kidding. Please keep my sweet mother in your prayers as she faces whatever might lie ahead. Pray for me, too, as I seek to support my mother in this season of unwelcome changes.
Blessings of peace,