What To Expect

Relevant. Relational. Real.

We’re so glad you’re considering visiting Community Spirit Church! We are a progressive community of faith in the heart of Colorado’s western slope.

We understand that stepping into a new community can be daunting, especially in these uncertain times. However, we want to assure you that you will be warmly welcomed in our diverse and inclusive community.

Our congregation is a beautiful mix of singles, families, elders, and young individuals, some deeply rooted in their faith and others just beginning their journey, all united in their quest to experience God’s love and acceptance.

We hope this page will answer some of your questions, but the best way to get to know us is, well, to get to know us.

Relaxed Atmosphere

Our church, true to the laid-back style of western Colorado, has a relaxed dress code. Whether you’re in a t-shirt and jeans or a jacket and tie, we want you to feel comfortable and at ease. So, dress in a way that makes you feel most like yourself.

At Community Spirit Church, we respect your privacy and understand that you may prefer to observe quietly. Rest assured, you won’t be singled out. However, if you feel led to engage, please feel free to introduce yourself to others as you arrive.


We love having children in our worship gatherings. They are always welcome and are considered to be as vital to the Community Spirit family as anyone. We provide activity bags for all ages, so your kids don’t have to just “sit there and listen.” We want them to feel welcome, too.

Centering Time

We begin our service at 11:00 AM with some quiet time to settle in and quiet our minds for about five to ten minutes. Our minister also serves the other UCC church in Montrose, so she arrives after their service has ended, and begins our worship service.


We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of every month. We rejoice in an open table where no one is turned away. All are welcome at God’s table. You don’t have to be a member of any church to receive the bread and cup as we remember the meal Jesus shared with his disciples. This is a time to connect with the Spirit.


Like many other churches, giving financial support for the ministries that God has called us to is a part of our worship. Our guests are not expected to give, but you are free to do so if you choose. You can donate by check (payable to Community Spirit Church) or make an online gift at communityspiritucc.org/give. To preserve your privacy, you will find collection envelopes on the back table. Please include your name and address if you would like a tax-deductible statement sent to you at the end of the year.

Welcome Card

We have “welcome cards” available on the back table for you to fill out and leave on the collection plate. These cards allow you to share a bit about yourself and your journey. If you prefer, you can fill out our virtual form on our website, and we’ll make sure it gets to Pastor Wendy.

Fellowship Time

After the service, we’d love for you to stick around and join us for some snacks and good conversation. It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to connect and get to know each other better.

If you have any questions before joining us for worship, please don’t hesitate to call 970-765-7070 or email us.