Love Notes... A few words from our pastor

When was the last time you experienced awe? Maybe you woke up well before dawn earlier this month to take in the Perseid meteor showers and were put in touch with the true majesty of the night skies. Perhaps you have spent time in the high country this summer and have once more found yourself under the spell of the varied glories of the created world we are privileged to inhabit. You might have recently felt awe in the presence of a newborn, all gift and goodness. During this season of bountiful harvest, even a juicy bite of melon can evoke a sense of wonder and deep appreciation for the miracle it is to have senses and to be alive.

Since returning home from surgery, I have found myself awash with a tremendous amount of awe for the God-given capacity of the human body to heal itself—all without any help from my conscious mind. If my healing had required my conscious mind’s involvement, I would still be studying up on anatomy and trying to coordinate a helpful response. Instead, without warning or prior experience, my body immediately sprang into action after surgery, quickly working to knit tissues back together and finding ways to adjust to the absence of a vital organ, my gallbladder. If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what is.

In Psalm 139, verse 14, we hear our author exclaiming: “I praise you, God, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Too often, I’ve overlooked or taken for granted the countless ways God’s glories are on full display within my human form. Now as I take time to heal and rest, I find myself caught up in ongoing prayerful thanks and overcome with waves of awe as I contemplate the wisdom and ways of my body, gifts that come from on high.

Before I had any idea I would be having surgery last week, I stumbled upon something that I’ll paraphrase here: If we had any idea at all how much our bodies love us, we would be deeply humbled and moved to tears.

Our bodies do love us—a love that finds its source in the One who has gifted us with these awesome vessels. With God’s help, may we return that love again and again.

With you on the journey,