When: Sunday, April 17, 2022
Time: 10:00 am
Where: Montrose Rotary Amphitheater
Shanes Way, Montrose
Bring: Chairs, friends and family
Provided: Refreshments and fellowship after the service
Easter lilies

Community Spirit Church is teaming up with Montrose United Methodist Church and Hillcrest Congregational UCC to host a community Easter service at the new Montrose Rotary Amphitheater in Cerise Park.

If you are interested in singing at that service, know that you’re welcome to join rehearsals being held at Montrose United Methodist Church (19 S. Park Avenue) on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 7:30 pm in the sanctuary. If you have questions, please reach out to their church office at 970-249-3716.

The Outreach Ministry is hosting an inviting information table at the back of the venue so that those attending the service can learn more about CSC’s distinctive identity. Be in touch with Mary Loncar or Kim Floyde to see how you can help.

Lots of volunteers are needed to provide assistance in a variety of ways—from handing out bulletins, to pointing people to the venue, to collecting the offering. To sign up, simply click this link, find the kind of volunteering you would like to do, add your name, and click the Submit button:  signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa8ab22a6fecf8-community