Love Notes... A few words from our pastor

Sometimes we make things more complicated than they need to be. As we prepare to gather at Thanksgiving tables with friends and family tomorrow, I’m reminded of this simple but potent remark from the 14th-century German mystic, Meister Eckhart, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”

Tomorrow you might feel inclined to do more than ask dinner guests to bow their heads while you utter those two words, thank you. If that’s the case, here is a simple but slightly longer prayer you might find worth sharing before your feasting begins.

A Blessing
In our sowing and harvesting,
In our cooking and eating;
Let us till the earth gently,
Fish the seas wisely,
Tend the animals lovingly,
Share with the hungry generously,
Pay the worker fairly,
Enjoy the food, thankfully,
Praise the Giver abundantly.

May the Spirit who gives breath to all living things
Bless our lives with goodness
And guide us in generous living.

— Roddy Hamilton

As I contemplate the goodness that has filled my life this year, so much of it is wrapped up in my gratitude to God for this church and your collective desire to change the world for good. Whether this comes through a kind word spoken in line at the post office, a day spent at a nearby Pride Fest, or a table heaped high with soup and socks to give away, together, we are having an impact and are making a difference. Our living is undeniably generous—and we have our God, who is ever at work in us, to thank for this.

With you on the journey,